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Algan, Y., Aghion, Philippe, & Cahuc, P. (2008). Can Policy Interact with Culture? Minimum Wage and the Quality of Labor Relations IZA Discussion Paper.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre. (2004). Job Protection: The Macho Hypothesis. Report. CEPREMAP. Unpublished.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre. (2005). Civic Attitudes and the Design of Labor Market Institutions: Which Countries Can Implement the Danish Flexicurity Model? Report. OEP/CEPREMAP. Unpublished.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre. (2005). Civic Attitudes and the Design of Labor Market Institutions: Which Countries can Implement the Danish Flexicurity Model? Paper presented at the IZA Price Conference, Berlin and Columbia University.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre. (2005). The Roots of Low European Employment: Family Culture. Paper presented at the NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2005.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre (2005). The Roots of Low European Employment: Family Culture? : Centre for Economic Policy Research.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre. (2006). Job Protection: The Macho Hypothesis. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22(Winter, 2006), 390-410.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre. (2006). Minimum Wage: The Price of Distrust. Report. CREST-INSEE. Unpublished.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre. (2007). La Societe de Defiance: Comment le Modele Social Francais S’autodetruit [The Society of Distruct: How the French Social Model is Destroying Itself]. Paris: Editions Rue d’Ulm.

Algan, Yann, & Cahuc, Pierre. (2014). Trust, Growth, and Well-Being: New Evidence and Policy Implications Handbook of Economic Growth (2 ed., pp. 49-120).

Algan, Yann, Cahuc, Pierre , & Shleifer, Andrei (2011). Teaching Practices and Social Capital. Discussion Paper No. 8625. Centre for Economic Policy Research. Unpublished.

Algan, Yann, Cahuc, Pierre, & Shleifer, Andrei. (2011). Teaching Practices and Social Capital. NBER Working Papers. National Bureau of Economic Research.

Anichini, G., & Cheveigné, S. de. (2012). Overview of Research Related to Science in Society in Europe. Science and Public Policy 39(6), 701-709.

Astebro, Thomas, & Chen, Jing. (2014). The Entrepreneurial Earnings Puzzle: Mismeasurement or Real? Journal of Business Venturing, 29(1), 88-105.

Astor, Sandrine, Salomon, Annie-Claude, & Brechon, Pierre. (2016). Nationalisme identitaire et perception des immigrés: analyse des non-positionnements et mesure des évolutions de valeurs. Paper presented at the 9th SFdS Colloquium, Gatineau, Canada.

Avdeev, Alexandre, Eremenko, Tatiana, Festy, Patrick, Gaymu, Joëlle, Le Bouteillec, Nathalie, & Springer, Sabine. (2011). Population and Demographic Trends of European Countries 1980-2010. Population, 66(1), 9-129.

Azam, Jean-Paul, & Berlinschi, Ruxanda. (2008). The Aid-Migration Trade-Off. Paper presented at the ABCDE Conference, Cape Town.

Bargain, Olivier, Dolls, Matthias, Neumann, Dirk, Peichl, Andreas, & Siegloch, Sebastian. (2014). Tax-Benefit Revealed Social Preferences in Europe and the US. Annals of Economics and Statistics(113-114), 257-289.

Barnay, Thomas. (2014). Health, Work and Working Conditions: A Review of the European Economic Literature. OECD Economics Department Working Papers. OECD Publishing.

Barone, Carlo, & Ruggera, Lucia. (2017). Educational equalization stalled? Trends in inequality of educational opportunity between 1930 and 1980 across 26 European nations. European Studies, Online First, 1-25.

Béraud, Céline, Duriez, Bruno, & Gasquet, Beatrice de. (2014). Le religieux dans les enquêtes quantitatives: un révélateur du rapport de la sociologie à l’objet religion. Paper presented at the Le religieux dans les sciences sociales en France.

Bergamaschi, Alessandro. (2013). Lycéens italiens et français face à la diversité. Des éléments d’analyse comparée. Cahiers de l’Urmis.

Bezin, Emeline. (2015). A cultural model of private provision and the environment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 71, 109-124.

Bianchi, Milo, Buonanno, Paolo, & Pinotti, Paolo. (2008). Do Immigrants Cause Crime? Working Paper No. 2008-05. Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques. Unpublished.

Bianchi, Milo, Buonanno, Paolo, & Pinotti, Paolo. (2012). Do Immigrants Cause Crime? Journal of the European Economic Association, 10(6).

Bidart, Claire, & Charbonneau, Johanne (2011). How to Generate Personal Networks: Issues and Tools for a Sociological Perspective. Field Methods  23(3), 266-286.

Boarini, Romina, Johansson, Asa, & d’Ercole, Marco Mira. (2006). Alternative Measures of Well-Being. OECD Economics Department Working Papers. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. France.

Boarini, Romina, Kolev, Alexandre, & McGregor, Allister. (2014). Measuring Well-Being and progress in countries at different stages of development: Towards a more universal conceptual framework. OECD Working Papers. OECD Development Centre.

Boulin, Jean-Yves, Messenger, Jon C., Lallement, Michel. (2007). Decent Working Time: New Trends, New Issues: International Labor Office.

Bourguignon, Francois, Jacquet, Pierre, & Pleskovic, Boris. (2004). Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics-Europe 2004: Economic Integration and Social Responsibility. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Publications

Bourguignon, Francois, Jacquet, Pierre, & Pleskovic, Boris. (2007). Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2007: Regional: Beyond Transition. Washington, D.C: World Bank Publications.

Bozonnet, Jean-Paul. (2016). Explaining Environmental Activism by National Cultures: The Hypothesis of Hysteresis. In A. Telesiene & M. Gross (Eds.), Green European: Environmental Behaviour and Attitudes in Europe in a Historical and Cross-Cultural Comparative Perspective (pp. 91-110). London & New York: Routledge.

Bréchon, Pierre. (1995). La mesure des croyances dans les enquêtes internationales [Measuring beliefs in international surveys]. Paper presented at the 23ème conférence de la Société internationale de sociologie des religions (SISR) [23rd Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR)], Université Laval, Québec, Canada.

Bréchon, Pierre. (1999). L’enquête ISSP de 1998 en France: premiers résultats [The ISSP survey of 1998 in France: first results]. Paper presented at the 25ème conférence de la Société internationale de sociologie des religions (SISR) [25th Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR)], Université Catholique de Leuven, Belgium.

Bréchon, Pierre. (1999). Les religions dans l’espace public: les opinions des Français [Religion in public space: the views of the French]. Paper presented at the Table-ronde sur la laïcité, 6ème congrès de l’Association française de science politique [Roundtable on secularism, the sixth congress of the French Association of Political Science], IEP de Rennes.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2000). Le catholicisme dans les sociétés occidentales contemporaines [Catholicism in contemporary Western societies]. In André Julliard (Ed.), Les millénaires de Dieu: Une vieille histoire pleine d’avenir [The millennia of God. An old story with a great future] (pp. 31-38). Grenoble: Musée dauphinois.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2000). Les attitudes religieuses en France: quelles recompositions en cours? [Religious attitudes in France: how recomposition underway?]. Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions [Archives of Social Sciences of Religion], 109, 11-30.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2000). L’univers des croyances religieuses. La Suisse comparée à ses voisins (Allemagne, Autriche, France, Italie) [The universe of religious beliefs. Switzerland compared to its neighbors (Germany, Austria, France, Italy)]. Paper presented at the colloque ISSP à Université de Lausanne [ISSP symposium at University of Lausanne].

Bréchon, Pierre. (2000). The Measurement of Religious Beliefs in International Surveys. In Niko Tos, Peter Ph. Mohler & Brina Malnar (Eds.), Modern Society and Values: A Comparative Analysis Based on the ISSP Project (pp. 291-315). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana and ZUMA.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2000). Religious voting in a secular France In David Broughton & Hans-Martien ten Napel (Eds.), Religion and Mass Electoral Behaviour in Europe (pp. 97-117). London: Routledge/ECPR.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2001). Les Dynamiques européennes de l’evangelisme [The European Dynamics of Evangelism]: Universite de Lausanne.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2001). Les Religions dans l’Espace Public: Les Opinions des Français [Religions in the Public Space: The Opinions of the French]. In Jean Baudouin & Philippe Portier (Eds.), Le modèle français de laïcité [The French model of secularism] (Vol. à paraître). Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2001). L’évolution du religieux [The Evolution of Religious]. Futuribles, 260, 39-48.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2001). L’univers des croyances religieuses. La Suisse comparée à ses voisins (Allemagne, Autriche, France, Italie) [The universe of religious beliefs. Switzerland compared to its neighbors (Germany, Austria, France, Italy)]. Cahiers de l’Observatoire des Religions en Suisse [Notebooks of the Observatory of Religions in Switzerland], 1, 39-57.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2002). Les grandes enquetes internationales (Eurobarometres, Valeurs, ISSP): apports et limites [Main International Surveys (Eurobarometers, Values, ISSP): advantages and limits]. L’ Année Sociologique, 52(1), 105-130.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2002). L’influence de l’intégration religieuse sur les attitudes: analyse comparative européenne [Influence of Religious Integration on Attitudes: European comparative analysis]. Revue Francaise De Sociologie, 43(3), 461-483.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2002). Major International Surveys (Eurobarometers, Values, ISSP): advantages and limits. L’Année sociologique, 52(1), 105-130.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2002). Mesurer les croyances religieuses, dans Aux frontières des attitudes: entre le politique et le religieux [Measuring religious beliefs, in Attitudes within the borders: between politics and religion]. In Jean-Marie Donegani, Sophie Duchesne & Florence Haegel (Eds.), Textes en hommage à Guy Michelat [Texts in honor of Guy Michelat] (pp. 153-172). Paris: L’Harmattan.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2004). Influence of Religious Integration on Attitudes: A Comparative Analysis of European Countries. Revue Francaise De Sociologie, 45(Suppl.), 27-49.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2004). L’Heritage Chretien de l’Europe Occidentale: Qu’en ont Fait les Nouvelles Generations? [Christian Heritage of Western Europe: What have the New Generations Done?]. Social Compass, 51, 203-219.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2005). L’apport des traditions d’enquêtes internationales European Values Survey (EVS) et International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), Participation [The contribution of the traditions of international surveys European Values Survey (EVS) and International Social Survey Programme (ISSP), Participation]. Bulletin de l‘Association internationale de science politique [Bulletin of the International Political Science Association], 29(2), 6-10.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2006). Le ‘Vrai’ Français [The ‘True’ French]. Futuribles, 319, 43-52.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2006). Valuers de Gauche, Valuers of Droit et Identites Religieuses en Europe [Left of Valuers, Valuers of Law and Religious Identities in Europe]. Revue Francaise De Sociologie(47), 725-753.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2007). Eurobaromètres, EVS, ISSP, ESS: quatre traditions différentes d’enquêtes internationales [Eurobarometeers, EVS, ISSP, ESS: four different traditions of international surveys]. Paper presented at the Colloque francophone sur les sondages [French-speaking symposium on the polls], Marseille.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2007). La mesure de l’appartenance et de la non appartenance confessionnelle dans les grandes enquêtes Européennes (The measure of belonging and not belonging in the main European Surveys). Paper presented at the 29ème conférence de la société internationalze de sociologie des religions, Leipzig.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2009). A breakthrough in comparative social research: ISSP compared with the Eurobarometers, EVS and ESS surveys. In M. Haller, R. Jowell & T. Smith (Eds.), The International Social Survey Programme 1984-2009. Charting the globe (pp. 28-43). London: Routledge.

Bréchon, Pierre (2009). La mesure de l’appartenance et de la non-appartenance confessionnelle dans les grandes enquêtes européennes (The measurement of membership and non-denominational in major European surveys). Social Compass, 56(2), 163-178

Bréchon, Pierre. (2009). The Measurement of Religious Beliefs in ISSP and EVS Surveys. In M. Haller, R. Jowell & T. Smith (Eds.), Charting the Globe: The International Social Survey Program. London: Routledge.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2011). Croyances religieuses et systèmes de valeurs. In Alain Chenu & Laurent Lesnard (Eds.), La France Dans Les Comparaisons Internationales: Guide d’acces aux grandes enquetes statistiques en sciences sociales (pp. 49-66). Paris: Presses de Sciences Po (P.F.N.S.P.).

Bréchon, Pierre. (2015). Random Sample, Quota Sample: The Teachings of the EVS 2008 Survey in Franceq. Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 126(1), 67-83.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2015). How Much Confidence Can Be Done to the Measure of Religious Indicators in the Main International Surveys (EVS, ESS, ISSP). Paper presented at the 33rd International Society for Sociology of Religions (ISSR), Belgium.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2015). How much confidence can be done to the measure of religious indicators in the main international surveys (EVS, ESS, ISSP)? Paper presented at the 33rd ISSR Conference, Louvain-la-Neuve.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2017). La religion explique-t-elle les attitudes politiques ? Ce que les enquêtes ISSP dans huit pays d’Europe occidentale permettent de conclure. Paper presented at the AFSR Colloquium Political Parties and Religions, Paris.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2017). Measuring Religious Indifference in International Sociological Quantitative Surveys (EVS and ISSP). In Johannes Quack & Cora Schuh (Eds.), Religious Indifference (pp. 143-170): Springer International Publishing.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2017). Populations urbaines, populations rurales. Paper presented at the 9th Festival of Geopolitics, Grenoble.

Bréchon, Pierre. (2018). Urbain progressiste versus rural populiste. Une opposition beaucoup trop simpliste. La revue internationale et stratégique, Paris : A. Colin : Institut des relations internationales et stratégiques, L’urbanisation du monde. Les villes au défi, pp.109-118. ⟨halshs-01947922⟩

Bréchon, Pierre. (2019). Urbains et ruraux : de faibles différences de valeurs. Revue Politique et Parlementaire, pp.125-135. ⟨halshs-02495626⟩

Bréchon, Pierre, & Campiche, Roland J. (2011). Pertinence de la theorie de la dualisation de la religion en Suisse, en France et en Europe (Pertinence of the dualization theory of religion in Switzerland, France and Europe). Social Compass, 58(2), 162-175.

Bréchon, Pierre, & Talin, Kristoff. (2004). L’Etude des Liens Entre Comportements Religieux et Comportements Politiques [The Study of Links Between Religious Behavior and Behavior Policies]. Univers Religieux [Religious universe].

Cahuc, Pierre, & Kramarz, Francis. (2004). De la Precarite a la Mobilite: Vers une Securite Social Professionnelle [The insecurity of the Mobility: Towards a Social Security Professional]: Report to the Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industry.

Cazes, Sandrine, Hijzen, Alexander, & Saint-Martin, Anne. (2015). Measuring and Assessing Job Quality: The OECD Job Quality Framework OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers. OECD.

Cerna, Lucie. (2014). Trust: What it is and Why it Matters for Governance and Education OECD Education Working Papers (pp. 67): OECD Publishing.

Chaupain-Guillot, S., & Guillot, O. (2011). Les Déterminants Individuels des Absences au Travail: Une Comparaison Européenne. Revue Économique 62(3), 419-427.

Chauvel, L. (2006). La Déstabilisation du Système de Positions Sociales [The Destabilization of Social Position System]. In H. Lagrange (Ed.), Epreuve des Inégalités [The Challenge of Inequalities] (pp. 91-112). Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.

Chauvel, L. (2006). Tolérance et résistance aux inégalités [Tolerance and resistance to inequalities]. In H. Lagrange (Ed.), Epreuve des Inégalités [The Challenge of Inequalities] (pp. 23-40). Paris: Presses de Sciences Po.

Chenu, A., & Lesnard., L. (2011). La France dans les Comparaisons Internationales Guide d’accès aux grandes enquêtes statistiques en sciences sociales. Paris: Les Presses de Sciences Po.

Clark, Andrew E. (1996). Working and Well-Being: Some International Evidence: OECD.

Clark, Andrew E. (1998). Measures of Job Satisfaction: What Makes a Good Job?: Evidence from OECD Countries: OECD Paris.

Clark, Andrew E. (1998). What Makes a Good Job? Evidence from the OECD Countries [Les indicateurs de la satisfaction au travail: Quelles sont les caracteristiques d’un bon emploi? Observations recueillies dans certains pays de l’OCDE] Occasional Papers. Paris: OECD.

Clark, Andrew E. (2005). What Makes a Good Job? Evidence from the OECD Countries. In S. Bazen, C. Lucifora & W. Salverda (Eds.), Job Quality and Employer Behaviour. London: Palgrave.

Clark, Andrew E. (2005). Your money or your life: Changing job quality in OECD countries. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43(3), 377-400.

Clark, Andrew E. (2009). Work, Jobs and Well-Being across the Milllenium. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers. OECD Publishing. Paris.

Clark, Andrew E. (2009). Work, Jobs, and Well-being Across the Millennium. IZA Working Papers. Institute for the Study of Labor. Unpublished.

Clark, Andrew E. (2010). Promouvoir la Reciprocite dans le Travail [Promoting Reciprocity in Labor]. In P. Askenazy & D. Cohen (Eds.), Nouvelles Questions d’Économie Contemporaine [New Economics of Contemporary Issues]. Paris: Albin Michel.

Clark, Andrew E. (2011). The Organisational Commitment of Workers in OECD Countries. Management Revue, 22, 8-27.

Clark, Andrew E. (2015). What Makes a Good Job? Job Quality and Job Satisfaction. IZA World of Labor.

Clark, Andrew E., & D’Ambrosio, Conchita. (2015). Attitudes to Income Inequality: Experimental and Survey Evidence Handbook of Income Distribution (2 ed., pp. 1147-1208).

Clark, Andrew E., & Daniel, C. (1999). Three Calculations of Compensating Differentials. Report. University of Orleans. Unpublished.

Clark, Andrew E., Georgellis, Yannis, & Sanfey, Peter. (2001). Scarring: The Psychological Impact of Past Unemployment. Economica, 68(270), 221-241.

Clark, Andrew E., & Lelkes, Orsolya. (2005). Deliver Us from Evil: Religion as Insurance. Report. CNRS. Unpublished.

Clark, Andrew E., & Lelkes, Orsolya. (2005). Deliver Us From Evil: Religion as Insurance. Paper presented at the Second Capabilities and Happiness Conference, Milan, Italy. ISSP

Clark, Andrew E., & Masclet, D. (2006). Effort and Comparison Income: Experimental and Survey Evidence IZA Discussion Paper and Gate Working Paper.

Clark, Andrew E., Masclet, David, & Villeval, Marie-Claire. (2010). Effort and Comparison Income. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63, 407-426.

Clark, Andrew E., & Postel-Vinay, Fabien. (2004). Job Security and Job Protection. Paper presented at the International Seminar on Macroeconomics.

Clark, Andrew E., & Postel-Vinay, Fabien. (2009). Job Security and Job Protection. Oxford Economic Papers, 61(2), 207-239.

Clark, Andrew E., & Senik, Claudia. (2011). Will GDP growth increase happiness in developing countries? Revue d’economie du developpement, 25, 113-190.

Cusset, Pierre-Yves. (2009). Le Lien Social en Crise [The Social Link in Crisis]. Futuribles, 348, 5-22.

D’Addio, Anna Cristina, & Whiteford, Peter. (2008). Modernising Social Policy for the New Life Course. Paris: OECD Publishing.

Davoine, Lucie. (2012). Economy of Happiness. Paris: La Decouverte.

Davoine, Lucie, Erhel, Christine, & Guergoat-Lariviere, Matlilde. (2008). A Taxonomy of European Labour Markets Using Quality Indicators. Paris School of Economics. Unpublished.

Davoine, Lucie, & Meda, Dominique. (2008). Importance and Meaning of Work in Europe: A French Singularity.

Davoine, Lucie, & Meda, Dominique. (2008). Place et Sens du Travail en Europe: Une Singularite Francaise? [Place and Meaning of Work in Europe: A French peculiarity?]: Centre d’Estudes de l’Emploi.

de Falguerolles, Antoine (1999). Generalized Bilinear Models for Square and Matched Tables. Paper presented at the Conference on Large Scale Data Analysis, Cologne.

de Mello, L., & Tiongson, E. R. (2009). What Is the Value of (My and My Family’s) Good Health? Kyklos, 62(4), 594-610.

De Mello, Luiz R., Schotte, Simone Raphaela, Tiongson, E. R., & Winkler, Hernan Jorge. (2016). Greying the Budget: Ageing and Preferences over Public Policies. SSRN Working Papers. Social Science Research Network.

Deloffre, Aleandre, & Rioux, Lawrence. (2004). Do Workers Correctly Evaluate their Job Security? Report. CREST. Paris.

Deloy, Corinne (2004). Les Femmes et la Marche de Travail [Women in Power Working]. Paper. Fondation pour L’Innovation Politique. Unpublished.

Demonchy, Guillaume (2001). Perception et Legitimation de Inegalites dans la ‘Societe Occidentale’ [Perception and Legitimation of Inequalities in the ‘Western Society’]: CREST/LSQ.

Di Méo, Guy. (2007). Identités et territoires: des rapports accentués en milieu urbain? [Identities and territories: report accentuated in urban areas?]. Métropoles(1).

Dogan, Mattei. (1995). Comparing the Decline of Nationalism in Western Europe: The Generational Dynamic. International Social Science Journal(47), 177-198.

Dogan, Mattei. (1995). The Decline of Religious Beliefs in Western-Europe. International Social Science Journal(47), 405-418.

Dogan, M. (1998). The Decline of Traditional Values in Western Europe: Religion, Nationalism, Authority. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 39, 77-90.

Dogan, M. (2002). Accelerated Decline of Religious Beliefs in Europe. Comparative Sociology, 1(2), 127-149.

Dogan, M. (2003). Religious beliefs in Europe: Factors of accelerated decline. In R.L. Piedmont & D.O. Moberg (Eds.), Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion (Vol. 14, pp. 161-188). Boston Brill.

Drozd, Celine, Requena-Ruiz, Ignacio, Mahe, Kevin, & Siret, Daniel. (2015). La construction du chez-soi dans la transition ´energ´etique: entre conceptions de la performance et pratiques habitantes. CRENAU – Centre de recherche nantais Architectures Urbanités.

Dubet, Francois, Duru-Bellat, Marie, & Veretout, Antoine. (2010). Les Societes et leur Ecole: Emprise du diplome et cohesion sociale. Paris: Seuil.

Duchesne, Sophie. (2003). French Representations of Citizenship and Immigrants: The Politicial Dimension of the Civic Link. Immigrants & Minorities(22), 262-279.

Duchesne, Sophie, & Health, Anthony. (2005). Patterns of Identity: An Empirical Comparison of French and British Conceptions of Nationality. Report. Center for the Study of Democratic Government, Oxford University. Unpublished.

Duru-Bellat, Marie. (2009). Le mérite contre la justice [Merit against justice]. Paris: Les Presses de Sciences po.

Duru-Bellat, Marie, & Tenret, Elise. (2010). Meritocracy: A Widespread Ideology due to School Socialization? OSC, Notes & Documents, 2010-02.

Duru-Bellat, M., & Tenret, E. (2012). Who’s for Meritocracy? Individual and Contextual Variations in the Faith. Comparative Education Review 56(2), 223-247.

Exton, Carrie, Smith, Conal, & Vandendriessche, Damien. (2015). Comparing Happiness across the World: Does Culture Matter. OECD Statistics Working Papers.

Fagnani, Jeanne. (2001). Les Francaises Font Toujours Plus D’Enfants Que Les Allemandes de L’Ouest [The Font Francaises Still more children than West German women]. Recherches et Previsions [Research and Forecasts](64), 49-63.

Fagnani, Jeanne. (2007). Family Policies in France and Germany: Sisters or Distant Cousins? Community, Work & Family, 10, 39-56.

Falguerolles, Antoine de. (1999). Generalized Bilinear Models for Square and Matched Tables. Paper presented at the Conference on Large Scale Data Analysis, Cologne.

Farvaque, Etienne, & Mihailov, Alexander. (2009). Intergenerational Transmission of Inflation Aversion: Theory and Evidence IRISS.

Fischer, Justina. (2009). Subjective Well-being as Welfare Measure: Concepts and Methodology MPRA.

Forse, Michel. (2013). Une passion de l’égalité particulièrement insatiable en France. [A particularly insatiable passion for equality in France]. La Revue de l’OFCE(131), 5-18.

Forsé, Michel. (1999). Le libéralisme et l’interventionnisme: Une analyse comparative des vues sur le rôle économique de l’État et de gouvernement dans sept pays [Liberalism and interventionism: A Comparative Analysis of Views on the Economic Role of State and Government in Seven Countries]. Revue de L’OFCE, 68, 219-240.

Forsé, Michel. (2001). Rôle Spécifique et Croissance du Capital Social [Specific Role and Growth of Social Capital]. Revue de l OFCE, 76, 189-216.

Forsé, Michel. (2004). Role and Rise of Social Capital. In Henk Flap & Beate Volker (Eds.), Creation and Returns of Social Capital: A New Research Program. New York: Routledge.

Forsé, Michel. (2009). Macro-inequalities and micro-justice. In M. Haller, R. Jowell & T. Smith (Eds.), The International Social Survey Programme 1984-2009. Charting the globe (pp. 91-104). London: Routledge.

Forsé, Michel, & Guibet Lafaye, Caroline. (2008). La démocratie participative et les devoirs des citoyens [Participative democracy and duties of citizens]. European Journal of Sociology, 49(2), 173-204.

Forsé, Michel, & Parodi, Maxime. (2001). Un panorama des opinions à l’égard de l’État-providence, Étude de l’enquête barométrique de la DREES – vague 1 [A panorama of views regarding the welfare state, Study of the investigation barometric DREES – wave 1]. Etudes et Resultats, 135, 1-8.

Forsé, Michel, & Parodi, Maxime. (2006). Les Progres du raisonnable: une evolution des valeurs en Europe de l’Ouest et aux Etats-Unis entre 1980 et 2000 [The Progress of reasonableness: an evolution of values in Western Europe and the United States between 1980 and 2000]. Revue Francaise De Sociologie, 47, 899-927.

Forsé, Michel, & Parodi, Maxime. (2007). Perception des inégalités économiques et sentiment de justice sociale [Perceptions of Economic Inequalities and Feelings of Social Justice]. Revue de L’OFCE(102), 483-540.

Forsé, Michel, & Parodi, Maxime. (2010). Une théorie empirique de la justice sociale (An Empirical Theory of Social Justice). Paris: Hermann.

Forsé, Michel, & Parodi, Maxime. (2011). La perception des inegalites en France depuis dix ans (The Perceptions of Inequalities in France during the Last 10 Years. With English summary.). Revue de L’OFCE (1265-9576), 118, 5-32.

Francois, Abel, & Magni-Berton, Raul. (2013). Individual gendered attitudes toward immigrants. Empirical evidence from French surveys. » The Social Science Journal 50(3), 321-330.

Francon, Baptiste, & Guillaud, Elvire. (2011). Preferences for Redistribution and the Perception of a Fair Society. Paper presented at the APSA 2011 Annual Meeting.

Friebel, Guido, & Giannetti, Mariassunta. (2005). Fighting for Talent: Risk-taking, Corporate Volatility, and Organizational Change. ROCAFE Working Paper No. 16. Unpublished.

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